
ScienceMentors 1 to 1


2017/2018 was our 25th anniversary year. We had a great celebration at the New Jersey State Museum and the event was attended by many of our alumni. Our booklet (below) is divided in two parts. Part I is the program and the lists of alumni going back to 2008. Part II lists all the alumni going back to 1993.


In 2018/2019 the students concentrated on issues that impact Trenton and a team began work on a Tiny House, inspired by Mayor Reed Gusciora’s commitment to 1,000 homes in 1,000 days.


In 2019/2020 the Tiny House was completed. Teams were Environmental Stewards at Capital City Farm.

In 2019/2020 the College Bound Crew finished the Tiny House with a dream that it would fulfill a need (TBD)

The following summer our teens  learned what is involved in creating a farm. Known as  The Environmental Stewards they learned from the Trenton farmers and grew to appreciate the wonder  of fresh fruit and vegetables that you can grow yourself.


Each of the flipbooks below can be see in the fullscreen version.

2018 book – click on square in bottom right of the box

2019 & 2020 books – click on white square in center of each “book.”

the evolution of sciencementors 1 to 1


NJ Environmentors Project
“I have not come to teach you, I have come to love you
and love will teach you” 
amrit desai


“You don’t change culture through emails and memos. You change it through relationships…one conversation at a time”
Danny Steele
