Tree Keepers

"What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another" Mahatma Gandhi

“Deep in the Forest, I stroll to hear the wisdom of my soul” – Angie-Weiland Crosby

it all started with a film

In his film, A Life on Our Planet, David Attenborough reminds us: "The planet will go on without us, but we cannot go on without the planet.

Serious Research begins for Adults and Teens – “Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought” Albert Szent-Gyorgye

Jeremiah, Lucy & Macie watching the movie, Other teens and adults off camera.

Primary source in print & film

forest, fog, morning

The Social Life of Forests by Ferris Jabr

NY Times 12-2-2020

Trees appear to communicate and cooperate through subterranean networks of fungi. What are they sharing with one another?

My Passion for Trees: Judi Dench


John, Cesia, Messiah, Jeremiah and Brian meeting at Princeton Market Fair

Hands-on Workshop

Dave Wells, arborist and alumnus of our program, talks to the mentees

Cadwalader park, trenton

Messiah & Jeremiah choose their trees

Jeremiah shows his completed essay to his mentor, Brian Amigh

Messiah shows his completed essay to his mentor, John Rosania

project complete!

tree planting

ScienceMentors 1 to 1 mentees helped to plant 900 fir trees.*

“Taking time to get in touch with nature was something I needed to do
I’ve never taken the time to plant a tree
I’ve planted a garden but not a tree
A tree can change someone’s life
Without trees we would have nothing honestly
The trees I helped plant could be in someone’s living room in 8 years
My tree could be the reason that a smile is on someone’s face on Christmas
Trees are the reason we smile 😄”.


* When these trees are sold at the end of the year, Phil Duran shares some of the proceeds with our program.

Next Project

soil rescuers

We will have no healthy
soil in  60 years if we don’t
change our destructive approach to 
earthworm, soil, dirt