Soil Rescuers

"The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our friend the Farmer, Logan Davis, with mentee Jeremiah checking the soil.

two films that guide our path

Kiss the Ground, a Netflix Original, is a full-length documentary narrated by Woody Harrelson that sheds light on an “new, old approach” to farming called “regenerative agriculture” to save the planet's topsoil.

Rosario Dawson’s Award-winning documentary, The Need To GROW, explores both the opportunities, and the struggles, of challenging the status quo with real world solutions


Open House Capital City Farm—Introduction to Farm Personnel and review of Straw Bale Project.

The Ron Finley Project

The Ron Finley Project is teaching communities how to transform food deserts into food sanctuaries, and teaching individuals how to regenerate their lands into creative business models. We envision and want to facilitate a world where gardening is gangsta! Go to the website.

We took a small group of  students on the tour so they could begin to imagine their ScienceMentors Climate Justice Farm/Gardens


Capital City Farm = meeting with Logan Davis, to talk about collaboration with the farm and using Logan as our expert farmer.



Started our Ron Finley inspired project:
Daisy’s backyard in South Trenton. Cleanup and Planting of Veggies and Flowers.  Now known as Daisy’s Blossoms!!


The Formation of Rooted in Justice Teen Team. 
Louise Salley is the chosen Teen Leader. We took her to Meet Logan Davis and plan out the next steps of the Ron Finley inspired project.

Introduced our expert Farmer, Logan Davis, to the community @ the Declaration of independence reading in Downtown Trenton.

Originated Phil Duran built Raised Beds/Garden /Farm  @ Aunt Pat’s Backyard with Logan Davis.